Some Novel Ideas is an awesome blog written by Stacy Nockowitz, a middle school teacher in Ohio. Her blog focuses on book reviews, discussions, and curriculum plans for the Middle school classroom. I highly recommend visiting Stacy's site at: http://somenovelideas.typepad.com/some-novel-ideas/
The next step (it's part of winning this award) is to write seven things about myself that you wouldn't necessarily know. Here goes:
1) Given the choice of ANY single activity, I will always choose to read a great book. If I can read at the beach, it becomes a perfect day!
2) I'm addicted to coffee.
3) I can't sing at all. I try, but it's mostly painful for those around me to listen.
4) I hate cleaning.
5) I love teaching but have a secret wish to be an actress.
6) Someday, I want to drive across the USA and visit as many states as possible.
7) My family is my life.
The next step is to choose other bloggers to pass this award to. I'm going to work on that for my next blog post.
Thanks again, Stacy.
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